alternative dispute resolution
(ADR)Various methods of resolving civil disputes otherwise than through the normal trial process. Under Part 1 of the Civil Procedure Rules the court will encourage the parties to use an alternative ...
Alternative Forms of Dispute Resolution
This article examines a wide range of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) approaches involving numerous forums and decision-making processes. The primary focus is on approaches that are alternative ...
Anglo-Saxon Law
The law of the various Germanic peoples who conquered much of Britain in the fifth and sixth centuries laid the foundation for the medieval common law. Anglo-Saxon law's norms, institutions ...
A means of settling disputes without recourse to law. The arbitrator will hear the case of the parties and make either a binding or an indicative judgment.
assisted dispute resolution
Any one of a range of alternative dispute resolution processes such as negotiation, conciliation and mediation. In the chosen process, disputants are assisted by a neutral third party such as ...
The custom of the blood-feud was common to Germanic societies in the early medieval period, underpinning many aspects of the familial and social organization of Anglo-Saxon England, Francia, and the ...
children and divorce
There are approximately 165,000 divorces each year in the United Kingdom, roughly 55 per cent of which involve children under the age of sixteen. The highest percentage of these children ...
compulsory conference
A pretrial meeting between the parties to a civil proceeding and an officer of the court (e.g. a registrar or court-appointed mediator), designed to explore the issues in the matter ...
N.1 (in civil disputes) See ACAS; alternative dispute resolution.2 A procedure of peaceful settlement of international disputes. The matter of dispute is referred to a standing or ad hoc commission ...
conflict management
The control of conflict within an organization. There are three main philosophies of conflict management:• traditionalists hold that all conflict is bad and potentially destructive for an ...
Conflict Resolution
The methods and process of negotiation, arbitration, and institution building which promote the peaceful ending of social conflict and war.
Conflict Transformation
In a long-lasting conflict, it is difficult to know when resolution has been achieved because the end of successful negotiation does not necessarily mean the sudden emergence of harmony. Questions ...
N.(in family law) The opportunity for a child to communicate with a person with whom that child is not resident. The degree of contact may range from a telephone call to a long stay or even a visit ...
costs of complaining and claiming
When people think about the costs associated with bringing legal actions, they tend to focus on the cost of engaging the services of a solicitor or barrister for advice or ...
democratic peace
The idea that democratic or republican states are more peaceful in their external relations and never (or almost never) fight each other. Modern democratic peace theory (DPT) builds on a ...
direct effect
In simplistic causal models, patterns of variation in the phenomenon under investigation which are attributed solely to the influence of one factor, without any mediation by intervening variables ...
Dispute Settlement Procedures
Dispute settlement procedures comprise a range of processes that parties in conflict use to attempt to resolve differences in a peaceful manner and reach settlement. Three of the most common ...
Early Warning of Hostilities
Early warning is a beneficial concept in a variety of policy settings, including military and political affairs, business and labor relations, financial forecasting, weather prediction, and even ...
Eminent Person Mediation
Mediation is a form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) that aims to assist two or more disputants in reaching an agreement. Eminent person mediation is the attempt to resolve conflict ...
extra-judicial determination
Finalisation of a matter other than through the courts. Matters may be determined by some kind of self-help, by non-judicial remedy (e.g. abatement of nuisance), or by dispute resolution processes ...