You are looking at 1-20 of 46 entries
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
(CND)A British pressure group pledged to nuclear disarmament and to the abandonment of British nuclear weapons. CND was created in 1958 with the philosopher Bertrand Russell as President. Frustration ...
Centre Party
(more correctly the National Centre Party), a political party whose formation, arising from a decision by the National Farmers' and Ratepayers' League (founded 6 Oct. 1932), was agreed on 4 ...
Clement Attlee
(b. London, 3 Jan. 1883; d. London, 8 Oct. 1967)British; Prime Minister 1945–51; Earl 1955 Clement Attlee's government (1945–51) is widely regarded as Labour's most successful government. The ...
co-operative movement
An organization owned by and run for the benefit of its members. First developed in many of the new industrial towns in Britain at the end of the 18th century, the Cooperative Movement was largely an ...
Cooperative Party
British political party, formed In 1917 as the political arm of the Cooperative Union. Associated with the labour party, since 1946 all of its parliamentary candidates have stood for election ...
Edward VII
(1841–1910)King of the United Kingdom (1901–10) – a short and relatively uneventful reign.Eldest son of Queen Victoria, he was created Prince of Wales shortly after his birth. In his youth he became ...
Fabian Society
The Society took its name from the Roman dictator Fabius, nicknamed ‘Cunctator’, or delayer. It was founded in 1884 by a group of middle‐class intellectuals to further ‘the reconstruction of Society ...
British socialists aiming at gradual social change through democratic means. The Fabian Society was founded in 1884 by a group of intellectuals who believed that new political pressures were needed ...
Harold Laski
(1893 –1950)Political theorist Harold Laski was born in Manchester, England, and worked as a journalist before turning to teaching—successively at McGill University, Harvard University, and after ...
Harold Wilson
(1916–1995)British politician and Labour prime minister (1964–70; 1974–76), noted for his tactical skills in maintaining positive government with a very small majority. He was knighted in 1976 and ...
Independent Labour Party
(ILP).The party was established in 1893 at a conference in Bradford, composed of 120 delegates largely drawn from the industrial north and Scotland and chaired by Keir Hardie. Chronic lack of union ...
James Callaghan
(1912–2005).Prime minister. Callaghan had the unique record of having held all the highest offices of state: chancellor of the Exchequer (1964–7), home secretary (1967–70), foreign secretary ...
James Connolly
(1868–1916).Author and union leader, Connolly was the most important Irish socialist in an intellectual and organizational sense. Though unsuccessful in an attempt to reconcile socialism and ...
James Larkin
(1876–1947).Larkin was the nearest thing to a revolutionary leader that the modern trade union movement has thrown up. He wished, on syndicalist lines, to use trade union power not merely to obtain ...
Jarrow March
Sometimes known as the Jarrow Crusade, this was one of the most well-known episodes in the history of protest in Britain. It was a march from Jarrow, in the north-east of England, to London, in ...
Keir Hardie
(1856–1915)Scottish Labour politician. He worked as a miner before entering Parliament in 1892, becoming the first leader of the Independent Labour Party the next year. In 1906 he became a co-founder ...
Labor Movement and Antimilitarism in the twentieth century
Throughout the twentieth century, the labor movement handled the question of militarism and peace in a number of ways, from the internationalism, during the century’s first decades, implicit in ...
Labour Party Quick reference
World Encyclopedia
Social democratic political party, traditionally closely linked with the trade-union movement. There are Labour Parties in many countries, including Australia,
labour party Reference library
The Oxford Dictionary of Local and Family History
The Labour Representation Committee, which was formed in 1900 as a loose federation of trade unions and socialist societies,
Labour Party Reference library
The Oxford Companion to Irish History (2 ed.)
‘Labour’ candidates had contested local elections since 1899, and the Irish Trade Union Congress (see irish congress of