deposit rate
The rate achieved by a market participant in the interbank market. As the London interbank offered rate is the asked or offer rate, the corresponding rate is the London inter-bank bid rate.[...]
Acronym for Euro Overnight Index Average, the overnight reference rate for the eurozone interbank market, as computed by the European Central Bank. Compare euronia. See also Euro Inter Bank Offered ...
Euro Inter Bank Offered Rate
The rate of interest charged on interbank loans within the eurozone. See interbank market. See also eonia; euronia.
eurocurrency deposits
Short-term wholesale money market deposits made in the eurocurrency market. The market is much less regulated than the equivalent domestic money markets and has become a very significant activity for ...
Transactions between two banks; hence, the interbank market which covers the money markets, currency markets, and over-the-counter derivatives. Such transactions are notionally different from those ...
London Inter Bank Bid Rate
(LIBID)The rate of interest at which banks bid for funds to borrow from one another on the London interbank market. See London Inter Bank Offered Rate.
London Inter Bank Offered Rate
(LIBOR)The rate of interest on short-term wholesale loans in the London money market: this is the rate at which banks are willing to lend to each other. LIBOR is used as a benchmark for variable-rate ...
money market
The short-term market for debt instruments such as banker's acceptances (bank) deposits, commercial paper, certificates of deposit, and treasury bills (T-bills). It is usually used to describe ...
parallel money markets
Money markets in which banks, companies, and local government bodies can borrow or lend to each other without using traditional discount houses. The primary parallel money market is the interbank ...
Paris interbank offered rate
(PIBOR) (France).The rate at which major domestic banks lend French francs to each other in the French interbank market. There is also a bid rate.
Sale of shares by a UK company to selected individuals or institutions approached directly, rather than by an issue open to the general public. A placing may be preferred on grounds of lower costs, ...
prime bank
A bank of high, or best, credit worthiness. Such banks command fine rates in the interbank market (cf. money center bank).
roll-over credit
A medium- or long-term bank loan in which the rate of interest varies with short-term money-market rates (such as LIBOR) because the bank has raised the loan by short-term money-market or interbank ...
Singapore interbank offered rate
(SIBOR) (Singapore).The rate at which prime banks in the Singapore interbank market lend to each other (cf. London interbank offered rate).
swap yield curve
The term structure of interest rates at which market participants in the interest rate swaps market enter into transactions. Such a curve has a bid and an offered side, like the interbank market (cf. ...
wholesale banking
Banking by institutions which specialize in dealing with other financial institutions, large firms, and wealthy individuals. Wholesale banks do not need the dense network of branches which ...
wholesale market
Market which involves substantial amounts in each transaction involving professional investors, traders, and brokers-dealer (cf. interbank market).