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1 Rights over assets used by another organization or individual (cf. lien). See lease.2 An application to make good a loss made under an insurance policy or guarantee.
N.A false representation, by words or conduct, of a matter of fact (including the existence of an intention) or law that is made deliberately or recklessly to another person. Deception itself is not ...
1 Conferring transferability of a bill or cheque by signing the reverse. For this to be effective, the cheque needs to be signed by the recipient and include the term or to order. Also called ...
A person or company covered by an insurance policy. In some policies that cover death, the alternative word assured may be used for the person who receives the payment in the event of the assured's ...
life assurance
An insurance policy that pays a specified amount of money on the death of the life assured or, in the case of an endowment assurance policy, on the death of the life assured or at the end of an ...
practising certificate
An annual certificate issued by the Law Society to a solicitor entitling him to practise. The fee chargeable includes the premium of an insurance policy indemnifying the solicitor against the ...
Adj.1 Having at the start of a voyage the degree of fitness (as respects the ship, her crew, and her equipment) for that particular voyage that a careful owner might be expected to require of his ...