Permanent reminders. In the OT stone pillars were erected as memorials of striking events, as of the crossing of the Jordan (Josh. 4: 4–24). The Passover celebrated annually was a memorial of the ...
[o-ră-tri]The art of public speaking; or the exercise of this art in orations—formal speeches for public occasions. A literary style resembling public speech and its formal devices may be called ...
Oswald Spengler
(1880–1936)German philosopher of history.Spengler was educated at the universities of Munich, Berlin, and Halle, completing in 1904 a PhD thesis on Heraclitus. He worked as a grammar-school teacher ...
Denotes the division of history into periods, and art historians have imposed order on the flux of time by such traditional periodizations as medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Romantic, and modern. In ...
social history
1 Inquiry into the social circumstances of individuals and families in order better to meet their health care needs.2 The historical study of social conditions, changing values, etc.
Textbook Controversy in Japan
The textbook controversy concerns the national memory of Japan's imperialist legacy in government-authorized history textbooks. Officials wrote schoolbooks in Japan until the late 1940s, when the new ...
World History
People in many times and cultures have made histories of their “world.” Those worlds may correspond to the globe as we view it or to one part of it, such ...