Acts of Alexandrian Martyrs
A group of disparate texts, written between the first and the early third century ce, and known solely from papyri fragments found in Egypt. The texts usually take the form ...
Daughter of Herod Agrippa I, and sister and mistress of Herod Agrippa II, with whom she listened to Paul in Caesarea (Acts 25: 13 ff.). She had married her uncle Herod of Chalcis, who died in 48 ce.
Approved by the emperor Nero to succeed Felix as governor of Judaea in 60 ce he died in 62; he had been left the difficult task of suppressing a Jewish Messianic turmoil. Festus was present when Paul ...
The name of several men who have minor roles in the NT. 1. A native of Derbe who accompanied Paul to Jerusalem (Acts 20: 4 f.). 2. One of the few persons baptized by Paul at Corinth (1 Cor. 1: 14). ...
Herod Agrippa II
(27–93)King of Chalcis (50–93) and of Judaea (53–70). Son of Herod Agrippa I and last of the Herodian dynasty, he tried to prevent the Jewish revolt (66) and afterwards sided with Rome.[...]
In the Bible, the wife of Herod Antipas (by a second marriage denounced as incestuous by John the Baptist), and mother of Salome.
This was not a regular punishment in Israel, but Pharaoh's butler and baker are said to have been imprisoned in Egypt together with Joseph (Gen. 40: 3). Jeremiah was once placed in the stocks (Jer. ...
Iūlius Agrippa, II, Marcus
(b. ad 27/8),did not succeed his father Agrippa I in 44, but lived in Rome. There he supported the Jews before the emperor Claudius against the Samaritans and the ...
Iulius Caesar, Gaius
(RE 134)eldest son of Agrippa and Iulia (3), was born in 20 bc and adopted by Augustus in 17. Augustus evidently hoped that he or his brother L. Iulius ...
The normal English form of the Latin Jacobus, which represents one form of the Hebrew name transliterated into English as Jacob. In English versions of the Bible the form ‘Jacob’ is retained in the ...
Roman finance
‘Taxes are the sinews of the state.’ So claimed both Cicero and Domitius Ulpianus (Ulpian). Despite this recognition of the central importance of taxation, no systematic ancient treatment of Roman ...
Titus Statilius Taurus
(suffect consul 37 bc, 2nd consulship 26), the greatest Augustan marshal after Agrippa. By military talent and loyalty he attained wealth and honours; he was thrice acclaimed (see acclamation) ...
Part of the territory of Herod Philip (Luke 3: 1), later governed by Herod Agrippa I. Situated in the NE of Palestine, its OT name is Bashan. Caesarea Philippi and Bethsaida are two NT cities of the ...