boy bishop
In medieval times it was a widespread custom, in many English monasteries, schools, and country parishes, to elect on St Nicholas's Day (6 Dec.) a boy who should execute till ...
Feast of Asses
Either of two parodic liturgies associated with the Feast of Fools. One honoured Balaam’s Ass; the other, celebrated 14 January, honoured the ass of the Flight into Egypt. It featured ...
All Fools' Day a humorous term for 1 April as a day for testing the credulity of others; recorded from the early 18th century, and probably modelled on All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day.fools and ...
liturgical Drama
Plays based on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Considering the drama inherent in its subject, it is not surprising that the mimetic instinct in man, driven underground ...
lord of Misrule
Traditionally a man presiding over games and other revelry over the Christmas season, especially in a wealthy household, at the Inns of Court, at Oxford and Cambridge Colleges, and at civic ...
Generally, any chant verse; specifically, 11th- and 12th-century versified Latin chants, many strophic with a refrain, often designated versus in Aquitainian MSS, in other regions conductus or ...