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Name for the new currency that is due to come into being on 1 January 1999 following European Monetary Union (cf. Eurofed).
Euro-zone Reference library
Encyclopaedic Dictionary of International Law (3 ed.)
The Member States of the European Union in which the single European currency, or Euro, applies, namely Austria, Belgium,
European Central Bank
(ECB)A central bank of the European Union to which member states who have adopted European Monetary Union (EMU) are committed by the Maastricht Treaty. The ECB was set up in 1998 and became active in ...
European Economic and Monetary Union
(EMU)The EU policy that culminated in the creation of the European Central Bank (1999) and a single European currency for participatein states. See feature Economic and Monetary Union.
The monetary authority of the Eurozone. The Eurosystem is composed of the European Central Bank and the central banks of the European Union member states that have adopted the Euro.
Financial Times Share Indexes
A number of share indexes produced by the FTSE Group, an independent company owned jointly by the Financial Times and the London Stock Exchange. See feature The Financial Times Share Indexes.
foreign exchange reserves
Liquid assets held by a country's government or central bank for the purpose of intervening in the foreign exchange market. These include gold or convertible foreign currencies, for example US ...
fully diluted earnings per share
The earnings per share (eps) for a company that takes into account not only the number of shares in issue but also those that may be issued as a result of such factors as convertible loans and ...
monetary union
A group of countries using a single currency. See European Economic and Monetary Union.