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Africa — history
anorexia nervosa
binge-eating disorder
binge-purge syndrome
Body and Health
bulimia nervosa
child health
eating disorder not otherwise specified
Eating Disorders Reference library
Encyclopedia of Social Work (20 ed.)
Eating disorders involve maladaptive eating patterns accompanied by a wide range of physical complications likely to require extensive treatment. In
Eating Disorders Reference library
Ruth Tobias
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Food and Drink in America (2 ed.)
Eating disorders are, to be sure, a sign of the times. And yet, if the matrix of social values and
eating disorders Reference library
The Oxford Companion to the Body
The modern term that covers all forms of the conditions known as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. It also
eating disorder Quick reference
The Oxford Dictionary of Sports Science & Medicine (3 ed.)
A continuum ranging from abnormal eating behaviours to clinical eating disorders Included in the continuum are norexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa...