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documentary edition
A scholarly edition that presents the text of one source document and an apparatus recording editorial principles, variant readings, and the document’s history. Seeking to preserve a document’s ...
Early English Text Society Reference library
The Oxford Companion to the Book
Founded in 1864 by *Furnivall, EETS has produced editions of works from the Anglo-Saxon to the Elizabethan periods. One of the oldest scholarly societies in England still in existence, ...
Frederick James Furnivall
(1825–1910),was secretary to the Philological Society; in 1861 he became editor of the proposed New English Dictionary which developed into the Oxford English Dictionary. He founded the Early English ...
Oxford English Dictionary
The scheme of ‘a completely new English Dictionary’ was conceived in 1858, chiefly as the result of the reading of two papers ‘On some Deficiencies in our English Dictionaries’ by Dr R. C. Trench to ...
R. W. Chambers
(1874–1942),was Quain professor at University College London (1922–41). The range of his scholarly interests extended from Old English to the Renaissance; his most celebrated works are Widsith ...
Sir Israel Gollancz
(1863–1930) Scholar and English university teacher.A founding member, original fellow, and first secretary (1902–30) of the British Academy, Gollancz was a scholarly popularizer, especially of ...
W. W. Skeat
(1835–1912)19th‐century editor of Old and Middle English literature. He became a mathematics lecturer at Christ's College, Cambridge (1864), but spent much time in the study of Early English and ...