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case study
A research method that engages in the close, detailed examination of a single example or phenomenon. In some instances, it may be a version of ideographic rather than nomothetic investigation—seeking ...
A phenomenon in which exceptional attributes—such as glamour, sustained fame, beauty, talent—are recognized and associated with an individual, whose cultural profile is then often reproduced not ...
The process of sorting entities such as disease diagnoses into categories and assigning a predesignated number or other identifying symbol to each.
The result of any action (physical, written, or verbal) that conveys meanings between two individuals. In the context of marketing, the marketer wants the communication, in the form of a promotional ...
content analysis Reference library
Dictionary of the Social Sciences
A group of formal and, especially, statistical techniques used to analyze texts. Content analysis began as a method for analyzing
content analysis Quick reference
The Oxford Dictionary of Sports Science & Medicine (3 ed.)
A method of objectively and systematically analysing communications and written documents by creating categories to classify qualitative information. Content analysis has been used to ...
conversation analysis
A research method that takes conversations in real-life settings as the object of study, and as a window on to the roles, social relationships, and power relations of participants.Derived largely ...
documentary research
Research that uses personal and official documents as a source material. Documents used by social scientists may include such things as newspapers, diaries, stamps, directories, handbills, maps, ...
gender bias
A preference for persons of a particular sex (which it has become politically correct to describe as their “gender”) in hiring, promotion. To some extent gender bias is built into the English ...
gender stereotypes
See also stereotyping.1. Personal beliefs about gender differences in traits and behaviour, largely attributable to socialization.2. Standardized representations of men and women within a culture, ...
Glasgow media group
An influential group of media researchers formed in 1974 which has investigated the role of television news journalism in relation to agenda setting, making notable use of content analysis. They are ...
Harold Lasswell
(1902 –1978)A major figure in the emergence of political psychology and communication studies. Lasswell brought a strong Freudian orientation to the analysis of political leadership and decision ...
protocol analysis
Any of a number of techniques of qualitative research in which thought processes elicited from research participants or subjects while they were performing a mental task are studied and classified, ...
qualitative research
Gathers information that might aim to understand the reasons why a behaviour occurs. Qualitative research uses methods such as observation, in-depth interviewing, and focus groups. Compare ...
textual analysis
In media, film, and cultural studies, the academic study of texts in any medium, using methods such as structuralist semiotic analysis, content analysis, or discourse analysis. Purely formalist ...