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Legitimate power, decision-making capacity, and the means to cause others to obey. The word applies both to the abstract quality and to the individual or organization in command.
charism Reference library
Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages
Often used in the sense popularized by M. Weber as an exceptional quality that makes a person a leader in
charisma Quick reference
A Dictionary of the Bible (2 ed.)
Greek word for a spiritual *gift, as in 1 Cor. 12: 4.
Rule by coercion or noncoercive compliance. Individuals or groups may exercise power over others—domination—either by brute force or because that power is accepted as legitimate by those who are ...
An authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.The term Fascism was first used of the totalitarian right-wing nationalist regime of Mussolini in Italy ...
Gift of Tears
Tears, a primarily physiological manifestation, are generally associated with psychical mechanisms. Betraying strong emotions, tears perform a relieving role, they appease the excitement that ...
management guru
A person whose ideas and opinions have had an influence on business managers and who has become a well-known figure as a result. The original meaning of the term guru is a spiritual teacher or ...
Max Weber
(1864–1920)German social scientist and political economist who became a founding father of modern sociology.Weber studied legal and economic history at several German universities. After a brief ...
political sociology
Political sociology broadly conceived is the study of power and domination in social relationships. It could thereby include analysis of the family, the mass media, universities, trade unions, and so ...
Poor Catholics
The origin of the Poor Catholics seems to have been due to the initiative of Durand of Osca, the main interpreter of the original Waldensianism. This cleric (perhaps of Spanish ...
Strength in arranging the terms of one's dealing with other firms or people. See also bargaining power; countervailing power; monopoly power.
For English popular ‘prophetic’ writings, see Merlin, Nixon, Mother Shipton. Foreign texts, notably the verses of Nostradamus, have also been frequently translated and reinterpreted to fit the ...
Just as it is impossible to understand Karl Marx's concerns without seeing the centrality of labour power and its alienation into capital, so also it would be equally difficult to grasp the ...
A term, originating from Siberia, used to describe diverse religious activities in a large number of technologically simple societies. The shaman is a part-time, non-institutionalized, charismatic ...
St Bernard
(1090–1153), Abbot of Clairvaux. In 1112 he entered the monastery of Cîteaux and three years later was sent to establish a new house at Clairvaux. He came to exercise an immense influence in ...