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Asperger's syndrome
A condition, often considered to be a mild form of autism, characterized by social aloofness, lack of interest in other people, stilted and pedantic styles of speech, and an excessive preoccupation ...
autism Quick reference
World Encyclopedia
Disorder, usually first appearing in early childhood, characterized by a withdrawal from social behaviour, communication difficulties and ritualistic behaviour. Autistic
autism Reference library
The Oxford Companion to Consciousness
The term ‘autism’, from the Greek word meaning self, was first applied to children with notably abnormal social development by
autism and Asperger syndrome Reference library
Uta Frith
The Oxford Companion to the Mind (2 ed.)
Autism is a lifelong developmental disorder with multiple biological origins and very heterogeneous behavioural manifestations. Autism is conceptualized as a spectrum defined by core ...
childhood autism
An alternative name for autistic disorder manifested during childhood. Compare infantile autism.
childhood disintegrative disorder
A pervasive developmental disorder characterized by at least two years of apparently normal development followed by significant loss of language abilities, social skills, bowel or bladder control, ...
children's understanding of the mental world
One of the most important powers of the human mind is to conceive of and think about itself and other minds. Because the mental states of others (and indeed of ...
cognitive modularity
Normal adult patients who sustain some form of sudden brain injury sometimes furnish the field of adult neuropsychology with fascinating cases that yield selective impairment of particular cognitive ...
copy number
1 The number of times a segment of DNA is repeated throughout a genome.2 The number of copies of a plasmid that are present in a cell.
descriptive experience sampling
Descriptive experience sampling (DES) is a method of investigating human inner experience (thoughts, feelings, sensations, perceptions, etc.) by collecting beeper‐cued random samples of lived ...
descriptor of need
Special educational needs are categorized into four main areas. These are:• cognition and learning, which is about specific or moderate learning difficulties, severe, and profound and multiple ...
developmental disorder
Any one of a group of conditions in infancy or childhood, that are characterized by delays in biologically determined psychological functions, such as language. They are more common in males than ...
n. pathological repetition of the words spoken by another person. It may be a symptom of language disorders, autism, severe mental illness (e.g. catatonic schizophrenia), dementia, or Tourette’s ...
facilitated communication
A teaching method and therapeutic technique in which facilitators or partners help people with severe developmental disabilities to communicate by providing sufficient manual guidance to enable them ...
gaze aversion
Active avoidance of eye contact, such as occurs as a result of embarrassment or a feeling of being socially dominated and is often observed in people with autistic disorder. Also called gaze ...
idiot savant
A person with mental retardation who can perform at a high level in some restricted domain of intellectual functioning, such as memorizing vast bodies of information, musical or artistic performance, ...
infant consciousness
Infants have little knowledge, but they show intentions to gain experience with the aid of sympathetic company. Is this consciousness?1. Intentions and personal consciousness before language2. ...
infantile autism
An alternative name for autistic disorder manifested during infancy. Compare childhood autism.
Kanner's syndrome
An alternative name for autistic disorder. [Named after the Austrian-born US child psychiatrist Leo Kanner (1894–1981) who first described it in 1943]
learning, explicit vs implicit
Skills and knowledge can be acquired either implicitly, where the learning takes place without the learner being aware of it, or explicitly, where the individual is conscious of what is ...