![Antiochene theology](/view/covers/Authority.jpg)
Antiochene theology
A modern designation for a style of theology associated with the Church at Antioch, contrasted with Alexandrine theology. In scriptural exegesis it placed more emphasis on the literal and historical ...
A doctrine of the Person of Christ, and the study of it, has been an essential part of rational thought about their beliefs once monotheistic Jews found that they were worshipping Jesus Christ as ...
![Didymus the Blind](/view/covers/Authority.jpg)
Didymus the Blind
(c.313–98), Alexandrian theologian. He was a staunch Nicene in trinitarian theology, but he was condemned as an Origenist at the Council of Constantinople in 553, and much of his vast literary output ...
![St Cyril](/view/covers/Authority.jpg)
St Cyril
(d. 444), Patr. of Alexandria from 412. The most important of the many conflicts in which he engaged arose out of the support given by Nestorius, Patr. of Constantinople, to a chaplain who objected ...
![St Hesychius of Jerusalem](/view/covers/Authority.jpg)
St Hesychius of Jerusalem
(5th cent.), Greek ecclesiastical writer and exegete. In early life he was a monk, but little else is known of his career. He was alive and supporting the Alexandrians in the controversies leading up ...
![Wisdom of Solomon](/view/covers/Authority.jpg)
Wisdom of Solomon
A Book of the Apocrypha. The first part (1: 1–6: 8) describes the different destinies awaiting the righteous and the wicked; the second part (6: 9–9: 18) contains the meditation on Wisdom which gives ...