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agnosticism Quick reference
World Encyclopedia
Philosophical viewpoint according to which it is impossible either to demonstrate or refute the existence of a supreme being or
Agnosticism Reference library
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of World Religions
(Gk., a + gnōstos, ‘not know’).
A position distinguished from theism and atheism equally, by its view that neither
AGNOSTICISM Reference library
The Oxford Dictionary of the Jewish Religion (2 ed.)
agnosticism Reference library
The Continuum Encyclopedia of British Philosophy
Darwin's bulldog, Thomas Henry Huxley, coined the term ‘agnostic’ in 1869 in response to issues raised by the
Agnosticism Quick reference
A Concise Companion to the Jewish Religion
A term coined by T. H Huxley. to denote that attitude which, unlike theism (conviction that God exists) and