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Adam Smith
Aesthetic Movement
Aesthetic Theory Reference library
The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World
The absence of a body of written systematic aesthetic theory in Islam before the nineteenth century may be attributed in
Aesthetic Thought Reference library
The Oxford Encyclopedia of African Thought
The problematic of African aesthetics is a modern era phenomenon unknown in its most brutal sense prior to the coming
aesthetics Reference library
F. Stephen Halliwell
The Oxford Classical Dictionary (4 ed.)
aesthetics Quick reference
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art Terms (2 ed.)
[from the Greek aisthētika, ‘perceptible things’]
The philosophy of the beautiful in art and *taste. The present usage of the term originates from its adoption in ...
aesthetics Quick reference
World Encyclopedia
(Gk. aisthesis, perception)
Specialized branch of philosophy concerned with the arts. Plato's classical formulation of art as a
Aesthetics Reference library
The Grove Encyclopedia of Islamic Art and Architecture
Branch of philosophy concerned primarily with the arts, with concepts of natural beauty and the appreciation of nature. Whereas an
aesthetics Reference library
The Oxford Dictionary of Art (3 ed.)
The branch of philosophy dealing with questions of beauty and taste. The term, which derives from a Greek word meaning ‘to perceive’, was coined by the German philosopher ...
aesthetics Reference library
The Oxford Companion to the Body
is the branch of philosophy which deals with the nature of art and of artistic judgment. Some of the central
aesthetics Reference library
The Oxford Companion to Western Art
a term used to describe thinking about the nature of art, particularly that which treats it as a singular and
aesthetics Reference library
The Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages
A branch of *philosophy that appeared during the 18th century in Germany. Aesthetics in the MA refers to contemporary discussions
aesthetics Reference library
Richard L. Gregory
The Oxford Companion to the Mind (2 ed.)
Derived from the Greek verb aesthanesthai (to perceive), the term ‘aesthetic’ was until fairly recently used in connection with the philosophy of sensation and ...
Aesthetics Reference library
Encyclopedia of the Enlightenment
It would be inaccurate to speak of a single Enlightenment aesthetic because there existed several theoretical discourses on art during
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The Oxford Dictionary of Islam
Arabic ilm al-jamal. Until modern times there has been no systematic Islamic theory of aesthetics or of fine arts, although
aesthetics Reference library
Encyclopedia of Semiotics
is a branch of philosophy that concerns either the nature of beauty (whether natural or artistic) or the nature of
Aesthetics Reference library
The Grove Encyclopedia of Classical Art and Architecture
Branch of Western philosophy concerned primarily with the arts, especially the fine arts, although it often treats the concepts of
Aesthetics Reference library
The International Encyclopedia of Dance
To explore aesthetic issues in dance in broad areas of world culture, this entry comprises four articles: African Dance
Aesthetics Reference library
Alexander Kazhdan
The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium
The aesthetic principles of the Byz. were revealed both in works of literature (esp. ekphrasis, epigram, and literary portrait) and objects of visual art. The ...