
November 2013

Three new Oxford Reference Library titles have been added in this November 2013 update, dealing with subjects as diverse as Christian art and architecture, modern poetry, and Islam and women – adding over 11,000 brand new entries to Oxford Reference

New Oxford Reference Library titles for November 2013

UPDATE: As of November 25th, The Grove Dictionary of American Music, 2nd ed. is the newest addition to Reference Library.

The second edition of this work is nearly a decade in the making. Articles range from small definitions of dance styles and musical terms to mid-length biographies of important performers, composers and music patrons, to longer examinations of larger subjects such as the history of jazz, musical instruments, music education in the United States, and the American history of the orchestra.

Follow this link for an interview with "AmeriGrove" Editor in Chief Charles Hiroshi Garrett.

Keep visiting the Oxford Reference homepage for further updates. If you have any questions, please contact us.

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