
Quick start

This part of the Help is designed to get you searching and browsing with OR right away. It covers:

Quick search

To look up a term:

1. Type or paste the term you want to find in the main Search box at the top right of each page.

search panel

2. Click search button or press Enter.

3. The results of your search are displayed.

4. Click on any of the items in the list to view it.

The full content of padlocked books or entries padlock are unavailable under your subscription.

If you are not satisfied with your results, try an Advanced Search.

More information on searching


The matching entries are listed on the results page(s). The number of results appears at the top of the list.

  • The first result in the list is the Overview for the topic most closely related to your search term (there is an Overview page for every unique entry in OR, which consists of some defining text from an OR entry with links to related content in OR).

Milton overview

  • Each of the other results consists of the name of the entry and details of the book in which it appears, as well as other information about its subject, online publication date, etc.).

Milton results

To open any of the entries listed, click on the entry title.

entry title

To open any of the books listed, click on the book’s title.

book title

Note that:

  • There are a number of different ways of viewing and sorting results. For example: you can confine them to a particular reference type (Timelines), subject (Music), or content set (Quick reference).
  • If a book is padlocked padlock, your subscription does not cover its full content, and only its title and/or a snippet of text are available for viewing. Use the following filter (situated to the left of the ‘You are looking at…’ box ) to show only the results from content which your subscription gives you full access to:
    Image of content provided by library
  • Results are entries. To switch to viewing results as a list of matching books click on the grey books tab.

results list

More information on viewing, sorting, and searching results


You can browse entries by subject or by reference type:

Browsing by subject

1. Make sure the subject button button is selected.

2. Click on the subject of your choice (e.g. History) in the Browse panel.

3. An alphabetical list of matching entries is displayed.

4. Browse the list using the cursor or by selecting a page number. To move directly to titles beginning with a particular letter, type it into the Starting with: box and click go button.

Starting with box

5. You can open either the entry or the book in which it appears.

  • To open an entry click on its title.
  • To open the book in which the entry appears, click on the book’s title.

The carousel

Featured books and entries from your chosen subject are displayed in the carousel below the Browse panel. Scroll through the carousel using the arrows on the left and right. Click on any of the entries or book titles to view the content.


Browsing by reference type

1. Make sure the reference button button is selected.

2. Choose your reference type (e.g. Overview pages) from the Browse panel.

3. An alphabetical list of matches is displayed.

4. Browse the list using the cursor or by selecting a page number. To move directly to titles beginning with a particular letter, type it in to the Starting with: box and click go button.

Starting with button

5. You can open either the entry/Timeline or the book in which it appears.

  • To open an entry/Timeline click on its title.
  • To open the book in which the entry appears, click on the book’s title.

Note that:

  • There are a number of different ways of viewing and sorting results. For example: you can confine them to a particular reference type (Timelines), subject (Music), or content set (Quick reference).
  • If a book is padlocked padlock, your subscription does not cover its full content, and only its title and/or a snippet of text are available for viewing. Use the following filter (situated to the left of the ‘You are looking at…’ box ) to show only the results from content which your subscription gives you full access to:
    Image of content provided by library
  • Results are entries. To switch to viewing results as a list of matching books click on the grey books tab..

results entries

More information on browsing


More information on using OR

Reference Types

The Structure of a Book

The Entry Page

The Overview Page


My Work

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