

This page covers:

Browsing by subject

browse by subject toolbar

1. Make sure the subject button is selected.

2. Click on the subject of your choice (e.g. History) in the Browse panel.

3. An alphabetical list of matching entries is displayed. Switch to book view to see all books in that subject area.

4. Browse the list using the cursor or by selecting a page number. To move directly to titles beginning with a particular letter, type it in to the Starting with: box and click Go button.

starting with box

5. You can open either the entry or the book in which it appears.

  • To open an entry click on its title.
  • To open the book in which the entry appears, click on the book’s title.

The carousel

Featured books and entries from your chosen subject are displayed in the carousel below the Browse panel. Scroll through the carousel using the arrows on the left and right. Click on any of the entries or books to view the content.


Note that:

  • If an entry or book is padlocked padlock, your subscription does not cover its full content. Use the following filter (situated to the left of the ‘You are looking at…’ box ) to show only the results from content  which your subscription gives you full access to:
    Image of content provided by library
  • Results are entries. To switch to viewing results as a list of matching books click on the grey books tab.

number of entries in results list

Browsing by reference type

browse by reference

1. Make sure the reference type button is selected.

2. Choose your reference type (e.g. Overview pages) from the Browse panel.

3. An alphabetical list of matches is displayed.

4. Browse the list using the cursor or by selecting a page number. To move directly to titles beginning with a particular letter, type it in to the Starting with: box and click Go button.

starting with box

5. You can open either the entry or the book in which it appears.

  • To open an entry, click on its title.
  • To open the book in which the entry appears, click on the book’s title.
  • In the case of Timelines, click either on the Timeline to view it, or click on the subject (e.g. Religion) to browse the subject entries.

Note that:

  • If an entry or book is padlocked padlock, your subscription does not cover its full content. Use the following filter (situated to the left of the ‘You are looking at…’ box ) to show only the results from content  which your subscription gives you full access to:
    Image of content provided by library
  • Results are entries. To switch to viewing results as a list of matching books click on the grey books tab.

number of entries in results list

Moving around the Browse list

Moving between pages

results pages range

The number of pages are shown at the top and bottom of the list on the right. To move to any of the numbered pages, click on it.

Items per page

items per page selection

The standard number of items is 10 per page, but you can alter this up to a maximum of 100.

Sorting the list

sorting the list A to Z option

The entries in the list are listed alphabetically by title.

You can also choose to order them by:

  • Title - Z to A
  • Author - A to Z
  • Author - Z to A
  • Current Online Version - Newest to Oldest
  • Current Online Version - Oldest to Newest
  • Length - Shortest to Longest
  • Length - Longest to Shortest

Changing how much information is displayed

one two three bars

There are three options for viewing items. To select one, click on it.

  • one bar Minimal detail: entry title, book title, contextual text snippet, and content set.
  • two bars Medium detail: all minimum detail plus book cover, subject, reference type, current version, lengths, and illustration(s).
  • three bars Maximum detail: all medium detail plus ISBN, eISBN, author, and publisher.

Narrowing your choices

narrow your choices option

You can narrow down the items in the Browse list using the options on the left. To toggle between displaying and hiding these options, click the appropriate upward arrow or downward arrow.

By reference type

reference type results

To narrow the entries in the list to a particular reference type, choose one of the types listed by clicking on it.

When you do this, the type you have chosen is added to the search terms at the top of the results list:

overview and subject search terms

To revert back to the previous list, click the cross button.

To clear all your search terms, click clear all.

By subject

subject results list

To confine your results to a particular subject area, choose one of the subjects listed by clicking on it. You can choose a main subject category, or one of its subcategories. (To switch between viewing and hiding a subject's subcategories, click on the [+]/[-] button.)

subject results expanded list

The subject you have chosen is added to the search terms at the top of the results list:

search terms with subject

To revert back to the previous list, click the cross button.

By content set

content set filter

To confine your list to entries from books in Oxford Quick Reference or Oxford Reference Library, click the appropriate checkbox, then update button to update the list.

The content set you have chosen is added to the search terms at the top of the results list:

search terms with content set

To revert back to the previous Results list, click the cross button.

Note: The contents of OR available to you depend on your subscription.

By illustrations

results with illustrations only

To confine your results to entries with images, click on Results with images only.

The option is added to the search terms at the top of the results list:

search terms with illustrations only

To revert back to the previous Results list, click the cross button.

Searching within the Browse list

search within results

You can search for a term within the entries in the Browse list:

1. Type the term you want to find into the Search within results box.

2. Click search button.

Removing a criterion

Once you have refined the Browse list, you may have more than one criterion listed at the top of the list.

Any of these criteria may be removed by clicking the cross button next to it.

The list is automatically updated.

To clear all your search criteria, click clear all button.

Outputting the Browse list


To print the current list, click print button. A printable version is displayed in your browser.


To save the current list to a file, click save button, and follow the instructions given.

Sending an email link

To send an email link to the current list (regardless of whether the recipient has a subscription), click email button. Fill in the details as appropriate. The email will contain a link to the current list only, which will be valid for the next two weeks.

Social bookmarking

To share a link to the current list on any of over 300 sites (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Googlemail, etc.), click add button and choose one of the options.

Changing text size

To toggle between standard and large text display, use text size button.


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