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TRIMP method

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A method for quantifying aerobic training load. TRIMP is an abbreviation of TRaining IMPulse. It was originally defined as the product of training volume, measured in minutes, and training intensity, measured as average heart rate (beats per minute or bpm). For example, 50 min at 140 bpm TRIMP = 50 × 140 = 7000. One modified version of TRIMP splits training into zones related to the maximum heart rate (max HR) of the performer: zone 1 is at 50–59% maxHR; zone 2 at 60–69% max HR; zone 3 at 50–79% max HR; zone 4 at 80–90% HR; and zone 5 at 90–100% max HR. The modified TRIMP is calculated as the product of training volume (time in minutes) and training intensity (HR zone). The modified TRIMP for a person with a maximum heart rate of 200 bpm training for 30 min at an average of 150 bpm will be 30 × 3 = 90. In another modification, TRIMP is calculated as a product of the training time in minutes and a Rating of Perceived Exertion where rest = 0, 1 = very, very easy; 2 = easy; 3 = moderate; 4 = somewhat hard; = 5 hard; 7 = very hard and 10 = maximal.


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