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Thinking or behaving reasonably or logically. Rational decisions or choices are those that are in the best interests of the agent who makes them, relative to the information available to the agent at the time of acting; or more specifically, rational decisions or choices are those that maximize expected utility. In addition, rational beliefs are those that are internally consistent; rational preferences are those that are transitive; rational probability judgements are those that obey Kolmogorov's axioms; and rational inferences or arguments are those that obey the rules of logic. See also bounded rationality, dominant alternative/strategy, Nash equilibrium, rational choice theory, rationalism (1, 2, 3), reason, sure-thing principle, transitive preferences. rationality n. The state or quality of being rational. Compare negative capability. [From Latin rationalis rational, from ratio, -onis reason or reckoning, from reri, ratus to think]
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Subjects: Science and technology — Psychology