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Arabic nabawiyyah. Calling by God to communicate a divinely given message to humankind and to the unseen world of spirits. A nabi is the recipient of divine revelation in the form of general moral teaching, exemplified in the prophet's own life. A rasul is a prophet whose revelation contains God's specific commands and prohibitions in the form of an ethical code (shariah) recorded in scriptural form as guidance for a particular community and as a standard by which its members will be judged on the Last Day. The Quran presents belief in prophethood as a corollary of belief in God, providing a means by which humans can respond individually and collectively to God. The prophet is a witness of God's unity, announces the righteous conduct God wills for this world, and warns of God's judgment on the Last Day. Prophets are believed to have been infallible in their fidelity to divine commands and their ability to communicate what God gave them to convey, and wise in understanding its meaning. In Islam, prophethood is always defined in terms of Muhammad's experience, since his is considered the final, perfected message sent to confirm all previous revelations.


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