Prince Orlofsky
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(J. Strauss II: Die Fledermaus). Mez. Travesti role (but has been sung by a tenor, e.g. Robert Tear at Covent Garden in 1978). A young, rich, bored Russian prince. Nothing amuses him, until he hears the story of how Eisenstein left Falke alone to walk through the village after a fancy‐dress party dressed as a bat. At the party which Orlofsky gives, Falke plots to get his own back on Eisenstein. Orlofsky's guests are entertained lavishly—everyone must drink champagne with him. Many productions use this scene as an opportunity to interpolate well‐known singers and dancers to add to the entertainment. Aria: Ich lade gern mir Gäste ein (‘I like inviting guests’—usually referred to as Chacun à son goût—‘Each one to his own taste’). Created (1874) by Irma Nittinger.