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1. a theoretical approach to ethical questions in which moral obligation is seen as arising from certain unvarying rules and principles, which are universal, i.e. they should be followed irrespective of consequences (compare consequentialism). Such an approach is central to Kantian ethics, although deontological approachesmay require that moral deliberation should always include consideration of likely consequences. 2. the branch of ethics concerned with the nature of duty and obligation. —deontological adj.

1. a theoretical approach to ethical questions in which moral obligation is seen as arising from certain unvarying rules and principles, which are universal, i.e. they should be followed irrespective of consequences (compare consequentialism). Such an approach is central to Kantian ethics, although deontological approachesmay require that moral deliberation should always include consideration of likely consequences. 2. the branch of ethics concerned with the nature of duty and obligation.
