Anatole Chujoy
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(b Riga, 1894; d New York, 24 Feb. 1969)
Latvian-US writer, editor, and critic. A graduate in law from the University of St Petersburg, he was also a committed balletomane and after emigrating to the US in the early 1920s co-founded the influential Dance Magazine in 1936, which he edited until 1941. He founded Dance News in 1942, remaining as editor and publisher until his death. He wrote, edited, and translated many books on dance, including the groundbreaking Dance Encyclopedia (New York, 1949; second edition, with P. W. Manchester, 1967), and The New York City Ballet (New York, 1953). He also translated the first English edition of Vaganova's Fundamentals of the Classical Ballet (New York, 1946, later published as Basic Principles of Classical Ballet) and edited Fokine's Memoirs of a Ballet Master (London, 1961).