Quick Reference
Founder of the Haryaṇka dynasty and first king of Magadha.which he ruled for 52 years (c.465–413 bce) from his palace in Rājagṛha. Bimbisāra was a great patron and admirer of the Buddha.who was five years his senior, and donated the Veḷuvana ārāma for his use. Bimbisāra became a lay follower at the age of 30 and thereafter was zealous in his religious practice. He abdicated in later life in favour of his son, Ajātaśatru (Pāli, Ajātasattu), who, at the instigation of Devadatta, had his father imprisoned and tortured to death. Bimbisāra died eight years before the Buddha.
From: Bimbisāra in A Dictionary of Buddhism »