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Cajetan, St

The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church
F. L. CrossF. L. Cross, E. A. LivingstoneE. A. Livingstone

Cajetan, St (1480–1547), founder of the Theatine Order. A native of Vicenza, 

he was ordained priest at Rome in 1516. From the first he exerted himself to spread a fresh spirit of devotion among the clergy and to that end in 1524, with Pietro Carafa (later Paul IV) and two other priests, he founded the congregation known as the Theatines, for clerics bound by vow and living in common, but engaged in pastoral work. He was beatified in 1629 and canonized in 1671. Feast day, 8 (formerly 7) Aug.


F. Andreu, CR (ed.), Le lettere di San Gaetano da Thiene (ST 177; 1954).Find this resource:

Life by Antonio Caraccioli, O. Theat., orig. pub. in Cajetan's De Vita Pauli IV … Collectanea Historica (Cologne, 1612), 176–260; repr. in AASS, Aug. 2 (1735), 282–301.Find this resource:

Another early Life by G. B. Cataldo, O. Theat. (Rome, 1616).Find this resource:

P. Chiminelli, San Gaetano Thiene (1948), with full bibl.Find this resource:

Other modern studies incl. those by

G. M. Magenis (Venice, 1726;Find this resource:

Ger. tr., 1754), M. A. R. Maulde la Clavière (‘Les Saints’, 1902;Find this resource:

Eng. tr., 1902), O. Premoli (Crema, 1910), Silvestro da Valsanzibio, OFM Cap. (Padua, 1949, with docs.), andFind this resource:

A. Veny Ballester (Barcelona [1950], with bibl.).Find this resource:

P. Paschini, S. Gaetano Thiene, Gian Pietro Carafa e le origini dei chierici regolari teatini (1926).Find this resource:

B. Mas in Dict. Sp. 6 (1967), cols. 30–48, s.v. ‘Gaetan de Thiene’.Find this resource: