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Brundtland, Gro Harlem

Who's Who in the Twentieth Century
 Market House Books Market House Books

Brundtland, Gro Harlem (1939– ) 

Norwegian physician and politician who in 1981 became Norway's first woman prime minister and subsequently director general of the World Health Organization (1998–2003).

The daughter of a doctor who became a cabinet minister, Gro Harlem Brundtland was born at Baerum, Oslo. She took a master's degree in public health at Harvard and became a medical officer for Oslo and then for the national schools service. Active in socialist politics since her schooldays, she served a political apprenticeship in local government, having already widened her horizons by marrying a Conservative politician in 1960. Brundtland served as Norway's minister of environment (1974–79), as deputy leader of the Labour Party (1975–81), and as leader of the Labour Parliamentary Group (1981–92). From February to October 1981 she served as Norway's first female premier. Taking office again in 1986, she appointed a cabinet of eight woman and nine men, thus setting up an administration with more women than any other in the history of western democracy. Her tenure of office lapsed in 1989 but was resumed from 1990 to 1996. In 1987 Brundtland chaired the World Commission on Environment and Development, producing a report, Our Common Future, which popularized the concept of ‘sustainable development’. Recognition of her contribution to international development includes the Third World Foundation Prize, the Onassis Foundation Award, and the Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace, Disarmament, and Development. From July 1998 Gro Harlem Brundtland was director general of the United Nations' World Health Organization. She became a UN special envoy for climate change (2007– ), and an active member of The Elders.