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date: 13 September 2024

Galileo Galilei 1564–1642
Italian astronomer and physicist 

  1. Philosophy is written in that great book which ever lies before our eyes—I mean the universe…This book is written in mathematical language and its characters are triangles, circles and other geometrical figures, without whose help…one wanders in vain through a dark labyrinth.
    often quoted as ‘The book of nature is written…’
    The Assayer (1623)
  2. salviati: Now you see how easy it is to understand.
    sagredo: So are all truths, once they are discovered.
    often quoted as ‘All truths are easy to understand, once they are discovered; the point is, to discover them’
    Dialogue Concerning the two Chief World Systems (1632) ‘The Second Day’ tr. Stillman Drake
  3. In disputes about natural phenomena one must begin not with the authority of Scriptural passage but with sensory experience and necessary demonstrations. For the Holy Scripture and nature derive equally from the Godhead, the former as the dictation of the Holy Spirit and the latter as the most obedient executrix of God's orders.
    letter to Christina Lotharinga, Archduchess of Tuscany
  4. Eppur si muove.
    But it does move.
    after his recantation, that the earth moves around the sun, in 1632
    attributed; Baretti Italian Library (1757) is possibly the earliest appearance of the phrase