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date: 14 January 2025

David Cameron 1966– 
British Conservative statesman, Prime Minister 2010–16 

  1. There is such a thing as society, it's just not the same as the state.
    in Birmingham Post 15 September 2005, later repeated on becoming leader of the Conservative party, 6 December 2005; see Thatcher
  2. Ukip is sort of a bunch of fruit cakes and loonies and closet racists mostly.
    interview on LBC radio, 4 April 2006, in Independent 5 April 2006
  3. We—the people in suits—often see hoodies as aggressive, the uniform of a rebel army of gangsters. But hoodies are more defensive than offensive. They're a way to stay invisible in the street.
    speech to Centre for Social Justice, 10 July 2006, in BBC News (online edition) 10 July 2006; commonly quoted as ‘hug a hoodie’: see Coaker
  4. The age of irresponsibility is giving way to the age of austerity.
    speech, Conservative Party conference, 26 April 2009
  5. The Big Society is our big idea.
    speech to voters, Swindon 18 April 2010; the Big Society formed part of the Conservative Party manifesto launched on 13 April 2010
  6. Terms are like Shredded Wheat—two are wonderful but three might just be too many.
    his view on a third term as Prime Minister
    interviewed by James Landale for BBC News, 23 March 2015