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date: 16 January 2025

Ovid 43 bcc.ad 17
Roman poet 

  1. Lente currite noctis equi.
    Run slowly, horses of the night.
    Amores bk. 1, no. 13, l. 40; see Marlowe
  2. It is convenient that there be gods, and, as it is convenient, let us believe that there are.
    Ars Amatoria bk. 1, l. 637; see Voltaire
  3. Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop.
    Ars Amatoria bk. 2, l. 351
  4. Gutta cavat lapidem, consumitur anulus usu.
    Dripping water hollows out a stone, a ring is worn away by use.
    Epistulae Ex Ponto bk. 4, no. 10, l. 5; see Latimer
  5. Medio tutissimus ibis.
    You will go most safely by the middle way.
    Metamorphoses bk. 2, l. 137
  6. Envy can scarcely hold back her tears, when she sees nothing to cry about.
    Metamorphoses bk. 2, l. 795
  7. Video meliora, proboque;
    Deteriora sequor.
    I see the better things, and approve; I follow the worse.
    Metamorphoses bk. 7, l. 20; see Bible
  8. Tempus edax rerum.
    Time the devourer of everything.
    Metamorphoses bk. 15, l. 234
  9. You who seek an end of love, love will yield to business: be busy, and you will be safe.
    Remedia Amoris l. 143