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date: 04 December 2024

Thomas More 1478–1535
English scholar and saint 

  1. Your sheep, that were wont to be so meek and tame, and so small eaters, now, as I hear say, be become so great devourers, and so wild, that they eat up and swallow down the very men themselves.
    Utopia (1516) bk. 1
  2. Anyone who campaigns for public office becomes disqualified for holding any office at all.
    Utopia (1516) bk. 2
  3. If the parties will at my hands call for justice, then, all were it my father stood on the one side, and the Devil on the other, his cause being good, the Devil should have right.
    William Roper Life of Sir Thomas More
  4. Fare well my dear child and pray for me, and I shall for you and all your friends that we may merrily meet in heaven.
    last letter to his daughter Margaret Roper, 5 July 1535, on the eve of his execution
  5. I pray you, master Lieutenant, see me safe up, and my coming down let me shift for my self.
    of mounting the scaffold
    William Roper Life of Sir Thomas More
  6. This hath not offended the king.
    lifting his beard aside after laying his head on the block
    Francis Bacon Apophthegms New and Old (1625) no. 22