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date: 08 February 2025

Winston Churchill 1874–1965 

  1. Winston is back.
    on Churchill's reappointment as First Sea Lord
    Anonymous: Board of Admiralty signal to the Fleet, 3 September 1939
  2. [Winston Churchill] does not talk the language of the 20th century but that of the 18th. He is still fighting Blenheim all over again. His only answer to a difficult situation is send a gun-boat.
    Aneurin Bevan 1897–1960 British Labour politician: speech at Labour Party Conference, Scarborough, 2 October 1951
  3. The first time you meet Winston you see all his faults and the rest of your life you spend in discovering his virtues.
    of Winston Churchill
    Lady Lytton 1874–1971: letter to Sir Edward Marsh, December 1905
  4. He mobilized the English language and sent it into battle to steady his fellow countrymen and hearten those Europeans upon whom the long dark night of tyranny had descended.
    of Winston Churchill
    Ed Murrow 1908–65 American broadcaster and journalist: broadcast, 30 November 1954, in In Search of Light (1967)