Oxford Business French Dictionary: English-French Reference library
Essential vocabulary, clear translations, usage and grammar help in this French-English dictionary.
Oxford Business French Dictionary: French-English Reference library
Essential vocabulary, clear translations, usage and grammar help in this French-English dictionary.
Oxford Business Spanish Dictionary: English-Spanish Reference library
Essential vocabulary, clear translations, usage and grammar help in this English-Spanish dictionary.
Oxford Business Spanish Dictionary: Spanish-English Reference library
Essential vocabulary, clear translations, usage and grammar help in this Spanish-English dictionary.
Pocket Modern Oxford Welsh Dictionary: English-Welsh Reference library
Essential vocabulary, clear translations, usage and grammar help in this English-Welsh dictionary.
Pocket Modern Oxford Welsh Dictionary: Welsh-English Reference library
Essential vocabulary, clear translations, usage and grammar help in this Welsh-English dictionary.
Pocket Oxford German Dictionary: English German (4 ed.) Quick reference
Essential vocabulary, clear translations, usage and grammar help in this English-German dictionary.
Pocket Oxford German Dictionary: German-English (4 ed.) Quick reference
Essential vocabulary, clear translations, usage and grammar help in this German-English dictionary.
Pocket Oxford Irish Dictionary: English-Irish Reference library
Essential vocabulary, clear translations, usage and grammar help in this English-Irish dictionary.
Pocket Oxford Irish Dictionary: Irish-English Reference library
Essential vocabulary, clear translations, usage and grammar help in this Irish-English dictionary.
Pocket Oxford Italian Dictionary: English-Italian (4 ed.) Quick reference
Essential vocabulary, clear translations, usage and grammar help in this English-Italian dictionary.
Pocket Oxford Italian Dictionary: Italian-English (4 ed.) Quick reference
Essential vocabulary, clear translations, usage and grammar help in this Italian-English dictionary.
Pocket Oxford Latin Dictionary: English-Latin (3 ed.) Quick reference
Essential vocabulary, clear translations, usage and grammar help in this English-Latin dictionary.
Pocket Oxford Latin Dictionary: Latin-English (3 ed.) Quick reference
Essential vocabulary, clear translations, usage and grammar help in this Latin-English dictionary.
Pocket Oxford Spanish Dictionary: English-Spanish (4 ed.) Quick reference
Essential vocabulary, clear translations, and usage and grammar help in this English-Spanish dictionary.
Pocket Oxford Spanish Dictionary: Spanish-English (4 ed.) Quick reference
Essential vocabulary, clear translations, and usage and grammar help in this Spanish-English dictionary.
Pocket Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary: English-French (4 ed.) Quick reference
Essential vocabulary, clear translations, usage and grammar help in this French-English dictionary.
Pocket Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary: French-English (4 ed.) Quick reference
Essential vocabulary, clear translations, usage and grammar help in this French-English dictionary.