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League of Nations Quick reference
World Encyclopedia
International organization (1920–46), forerunner of the United Nations (UN). Created as part of the Treaty of Versailles
League of Nations Reference library
Encyclopaedic Dictionary of International Law (3 ed.)
The first global international organization, forerunner of the United Nations, whose constituent document, the Covenant, formed Part I of the
League of Nations Reference library
The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Peace
Often presented as the archetypal doomed idealistic project, the League of Nations is cited as an example of a utopian
League of Nations Reference library
Francine McKenzie
The Oxford Companion to Canadian History
League of Nations Reference library
Francine McKenzie
The Oxford Companion to Canadian History
League of Nations Reference library
M. R. D. Foot
The Oxford Companion to World War II
founded in 1919 as part of the Versailles settlement at the end of the First World War, was intended
League of Nations Reference library
The Oxford Companion to Irish History (2 ed.)
established by the treaty of Versailles in 1919 as a vehicle for the regulation of international relations through collective security.
League of Nations Reference library
The Oxford Essential Dictionary of the U.S. Military
League of Nations Reference library
Oxford Companion to Australian Politics
The League of Nations was the first international organisation dedicated to promotion of peace. Established in the immediate aftermath of
League of Nations Reference library
The Oxford Companion to Politics of the World (2 ed.)
The covenant of the League of Nations, the first permanent international organization charged with the task of preserving international peace
League of Nations Reference library
Thomas J. Edward Walker
The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World
League of Nations Reference library
Deborah Stienstra
The Oxford Encyclopedia Women in World History
World War I ended with the signing of the armistice in November 1918. The League of Nations emerged from the Paris Peace Conference in ...
League of Nations. Reference library
Thomas J. Knock
The Oxford Companion to United States History
This international organization came to life in 1919 when President Woodrow Wilson secured the inclusion of its charter in the Treaty of ...
The League of Nations (1919–46) Reference library
The Oxford Companion to American Military History
(1919–46) peacekeeping organization began when Woodrow Wilson secured the inclusion of its charter in the Treaty of Versailles