ability Quick reference
A Dictionary of Sociology (4 ed.)
Ābish Khātūn bint Saʿd II (1260–86) Reference library
George Lane
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Women
Ruler of Fārs Province, wife of Mongol prince Tash-Möngke bin Hülegü Khan. A daughter of the Salghurid dynasty whose grandfather,
Ablutions Reference library
Gabriele Tecchiato and Mark Sedgwick
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Women
The state of ritual purity (ṭahārah) that is an essential condition for the fulfillment of many religious practices
abolitionism Quick reference
A Dictionary of Sociology (4 ed.)
A term originally associated with a call for the abolition of slavery on the grounds of its inhumanity (see, for example, the arguments of ...
Abortion Reference library
Carole R. McCann
The Oxford Encyclopedia of American Social History
The legal status of abortion in the United States has undergone dramatic shifts, while its practice has been consistent. Throughout
Abortion Reference library
Abul Fadl Mohsin Ebrahim, Yasmin Safian, Robert Gleave, and Samir Ben-Layashi
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Women
In the medical sense, abortion is the termination of pregnancy before the fetus is viable and is capable of survival
abortion Quick reference
A Dictionary of Gender Studies
abortion on demand Quick reference
A Dictionary of Gender Studies
The phrase refers to women’s right to demand an abortion if they so wish rather than, for example, needing to have permission from their husband or their father. One of the ...
absolutism Quick reference
A Dictionary of Sociology (4 ed.)
A strong and centralized form of state typical of societies in the process of transition from *feudalism to *...
abstracted empiricism Quick reference
A Dictionary of Sociology (4 ed.)
A term coined by C. Wright Mills in The Sociological Imagination (1959) to refer to the work of those sociologists who equate a strong and rigid ...
ACCESS model Quick reference
A Dictionary of Disaster Management
One of two models, the other being the *pressure and release model (PAR model), that have been developed by
accident Quick reference
A Dictionary of Disaster Management
An event with a negative, unwanted outcome. The meaning of the term has developed over the last centuries from the
acculturation Quick reference
A Dictionary of Gangs
acculturation Quick reference
A Dictionary of Gender Studies
acephalous Quick reference
A Dictionary of Sociology (4 ed.)
A term used to describe the political system of societies without centralized state authority—such as, for example, traditional African lineage political systems (see ...
achievement Quick reference
A Dictionary of Sociology (4 ed.)
The successful accomplishment or performance of a socially defined task or goal. Talcott *Parsons (in Social Theory and Modern Society...
achievement motivation Quick reference
A Dictionary of Sociology (4 ed.)
A Critical Appraisal of Education in the Caribbean and its Evolution From Colonial Origins to Twenty-First Century Responses Reference library
Nigel Brissett
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Race and Education
actionalism Quick reference
A Dictionary of Sociology (4 ed.)
A term generally associated with the name of French sociologist Alain Touraine, and not to be confused with the ‘action frame of reference’ (...