1 A person in a period of adolescence. adj.2 Of, relating to, or peculiar to adolescence, or in a state or period of adolescence.
In criminal proceedings, the definition of ‘adult’ is simply a function of the definition of juvenile—i.e. an adult is any person aged 18 or over. In the context of sentencing, however, the term is ...
Adult Day Care
Adult day care centers provide important health, social, and support services for functionally and cognitively impaired adults and their caregivers. The adult day care services are underutilized, ...
Adult Protective Services
Adult Protective Services (APS) are empowered by states and local communities to respond to reports and cases of vulnerable adult abuse, neglect, and self-neglect. While incorporating legal, medical, ...
Agency-Based Research
This entry reviews agency-based research, and the unique demands created by the organizational context where this activity resides. Three primary stakeholder groups are identified: administrators and ...
Alaska Natives
Alaska Natives represent less than 1% of the U.S. population but reside in more than 229 Native villages and account for 40% of federally recognized tribes. Most Alaska Native communities ...
Alcohol and Drugs
[This entry contains four subentries: Overview; Law Enforcement and Legal Policy; Practice Interventions; Prevention.]Social workers commonly encounter individuals and families that have problems ...
Arab Americans
This entry defines the term Arab American, followed by a discussion of the two waves of immigration: before 1924 and post-1965. A demographic overview is presented next, drawing from data ...
Asian Americans
[This entry contains seven subentries: Overview; Practice Interventions; Chinese; Japanese, Koreans; South Asians; Southeast Asians.]The term Asian Americans encompasses the immigrants coming from ...
Asset Building
Since 1991, a new policy discussion has arisen in the United States and other countries, focusing on building assets as a complement to traditional social policy based on income. In ...
Authoritative Settings and Involuntary Clients
Social workers are increasingly working with involuntary clients. Since the early 1990s the field has been developing new ideas and skills that are equally useful in working with voluntary and ...
Baccalaureate Social Workers
Defining today's baccalaureate social workers as entry workers to the social work profession is indeed a paradigm shift. “Clearly, the social work profession is at a crossroad. If there are ...
Behavioral Theory
Behavioral theory seeks to explain human behavior by analyzing the antecedents and consequences present in the individual's environment and the learned associations he or she has acquired through ...
Bereavement Practice
Bereavement, which is the circumstance of having experienced the death of a significant other, is associated with significant emotional, cognitive, spiritual, physical, and social disruption. Given ...
Brief Therapies
Research and meta-analysis of research on psychotherapy outcome have consistently supported the use of therapy that is planned from the beginning to be brief. In recent years several brief therapy ...
Caribbean Americans
The diverse group of people referred to as Caribbean Americans come from the Circum-Caribbean region, which includes the island nations of the Caribbean Sea and the nations of Central America ...
Charitable Foundations
Foundations are private institutions for public benefit. With a long history that reaches back to antiquity, foundations are experiencing a renaissance and increased attention paid to them by policy ...
Child Care Services
Child care services, enabling parents to commit themselves to paid employment while providing a supervised environment for their children, have a long and complex history in the United States. Child ...
Christian Social Services
The term “Christian social services” refers to the involvement of persons and agencies that identify themselves as having a Christian faith orientation in providing services to meet the material and ...
Citizen Participation
Citizen participation is a process through which people served by government and nonprofit organizations can provide input about how these services are offered. Citizen participation is particularly ...