1989 Reference library
David Ost
The Oxford Companion to Comparative Politics
Starting with roundtable negotiations in Poland in February and culminating in the fall of the Berlin Wall in November, 1989
1989 Reference library
David Ost
The Oxford Companion to International Relations
Improbably, the major international developments of 1989 were all on display in the headlines of a single day, 4 June.
419 Quick reference
A Dictionary of African Politics
A popular term in parts of West Africa that refers to scams, fraud, and confidence tricksters. Originating in Nigeria, ‘...
9/11 Reference library
Michael Cox
The Oxford Companion to International Relations
Judging the significance of any major event is never easy. Inevitably, new events come along to make what once appeared
9/11 Reference library
Michael Cox
The Oxford Companion to American Politics
Judging the significance of any major event is never easy. Inevitably, new events come along to make what once appeared
9/11 Reference library
Michael Cox
The Oxford Companion to Comparative Politics
Judging the significance of any major event is never easy. Inevitably, new events come along to make what once appeared
Aal al-Bayt Institute for Islamic Thought, The Royal Reference library
Joseph A. Kéchichian
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Politics
The Royal Aal al-Bayt Institute for Islamic Thought is an independent non-governmental institute headquartered in Amman, Jordan, whose ultimate purpose
Aam Aadmi Party Quick reference
A Dictionary of Politics and International Relations in India
A political party in India. It was set up in November 2012, its origins lying in differences between leading anti-...
AB 540 Reference library
Hinda Seif
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Latinos and Latinas in Contemporary Politics, Law, and Social Movements
AB 540 (Assembly Bill 540; California Education Code 68130.5) is a bill signed into law in California in 2001 that
abanakashi kuti babomba incito sha baume Quick reference
A Dictionary of African Politics
A Bemba phrase used in Zambia that translates as women can do what men can do, meaning that women are equal to men in a range of different contexts (jobs, leadership, business)....
Abangan Reference library
William E. Shepard
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Politics
The term Abangan is applied to Javanese who identify as Muslims but do not strictly follow the prescribed Islamic practices.
Abbas, Mahmoud (1935–) Quick reference
A Dictionary of Politics in the Middle East
Chairman of the *
ʿAbbāsid Caliphate Reference library
Hugh Kennedy and Ken Burnside
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Politics
The rise of the ʿAbbāsid caliphate was the first fissure in Islamic culture; it would eventually result in the Shīʿī
ABC Reference library
Oxford Companion to Australian Politics
The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (formerly Commission) (ABC) has been defined as the ‘national’ broadcaster in broadcasting legislation since
ʿAbd al-Rāziq, ʿAlī (1888–1966) Reference library
Laith Saud
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Politics
ʿAbd al-Rāziq's contribution to Islamic political thought is his most enduring, as well as ambiguous, legacy. In 1925, his
Abdu, Muhammad (1849–1905) Quick reference
A Dictionary of Politics in the Middle East
ʿAbduh, Muḥammad (1849–1905) Reference library
Scott Morrison
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Politics
whose opinions and convictions were firmly based in the possibility of synthesizing Islam and modernity.
The historical, intellectual, and political
Abdülhamid II Reference library
Engin Deniz Akarli
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Politics
Abdülhamid II, (1842–1918), was the thirty-fourth Ottoman sultan (r. 1876–1909). A profound political and economic crisis brought
Abdullah I (1882–1951) Quick reference
A Dictionary of Politics in the Middle East
Emir of Transjordan between 1921 and 1946 and King of Jordan from 1946 to 1951. The son of *Sharif Hussein of Mecca...
Abdullah II (1962–) Quick reference
A Dictionary of Politics in the Middle East
King of Jordan since 1999, Abdullah II became King after his father, *Hussein bin Talal, altered the line of succession shortly before his death in ...