A Quick reference
A Dictionary of Genetics (8 ed.)
1. mass number of an atom.
2. haploid set of autosomes.
3. ampere.
4. adenine or adenosine.
a Reference library
Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (2 ed.)
A Reference library
Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (2 ed.)
symbol for
1 acid‐catalysed (of a reaction mechanism).
2 a residue of the α‐amino acid
A Reference library
Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (2 ed.)
symbol for
1 absorbance.
2 activity (def. 2).
3 affinity.
4 Helmholtz function.
5 mass number/nucleon number.
A Quick reference
A Dictionary of Weights, Measures, and Units
Metric As a lower-case prefix a-, see atto-.
length. Metric Correctly Å, see angstrom.
area. As a, see are; see ...
A Quick reference
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Mathematics (6 ed.)
The number 10 in *hexadecimal notation.
a Quick reference
A Dictionary of Ecology (5 ed.)
The usual abbreviation for *year (from the Latin annus, meaning year).
Å Reference library
Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (2 ed.)
symbol for ångström (unit of length equal to 10−10 m).
2′‐5′A Reference library
Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (2 ed.)
symbol for any member of a series of oligonucleotides of the general formula p a A[2′p5′A] n , where p
a Reference library
Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (2 ed.)
1 abbr. for adsorbed.
2 symbol for atto+ (SI prefix denoting 10−18).
3 axial.
4 year.
(A + T)/(G + C) ratio Reference library
Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (2 ed.)
the ratio of the sum of the adenine plus thymine bases to the sum of the guanine plus cytosine bases
a′ Reference library
Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (2 ed.)
symbol for pseudoaxial.
A’KF diagram Quick reference
A Dictionary of Geology and Earth Sciences (5 ed.)
A three-component triangular graph that is used to show how metamorphic *mineral assemblages vary as a function of rock composition within one ...
A* algorithm Quick reference
A Dictionary of Computer Science (7 ed.)
A member of the class of *best-first *heuristic search techniques that attempt to find a ‘best’ path from a given start node to a designated goal node in a problem ...
A, B antigens Quick reference
A Dictionary of Genetics (8 ed.)
mucopolysaccharides responsible for the ABO blood group system. The A and B antigens reside on the surface of erythrocytes, and
a- Quick reference
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Mathematics (6 ed.)
Prefix meaning ‘not’. For example, an asymmetric figure is one which possesses no symmetry, which is not symmetrical.