Abecedarius Reference library
T.V.F. Brogan and D. A. Colón
The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics (4 ed.)
An alphabetic *acrostic, a poem in which each line or stanza begins with a successive letter of the
Abercrombie, Lascelles (1881–1938) Reference library
Neil Powell
The Oxford Companion to Modern Poetry (2 ed.)
Born just outside Manchester, at Ashton upon Mersey, Abercrombie was educated at Malvern College and at Victoria (later Manchester) University.
Abercrombie, Lascelles (1881–1938) Quick reference
A Dictionary of Writers and their Works (3 ed.)
Interludes and Poems (1908) Poetry
Emblems of Love (1912) Poetry
Thomas Hardy (1912) Non-Fiction...
Abish, Walter (1931– ) Quick reference
A Dictionary of Writers and their Works (3 ed.)
Duel Site (1970) Poetry
Alphabetical Africa (1974) Fiction
Minds Meet (1975) Fiction Short Stories...
Abrahams, Lionel (1928–2004) Reference library
Jeremy Noel-Tod
The Oxford Companion to Modern Poetry (2 ed.)
Born in Johannesburg, he studied at Wits University. As a child, he was taught by the short-story writer Herman Charles
Abrahams, Peter (1919–2017) Quick reference
A Dictionary of Writers and their Works (3 ed.)
Song of the City (1943) Fiction
Mine Boy (1946) Fiction
Path of Thunder (1948) ...
Abse, Dannie (1923–) Reference library
Michael O'Neill
The Oxford Companion to Modern Poetry (2 ed.)
Abse is from a Jewish background, is Welsh, and a doctor: biographical facts which feature in his poems. He has
Abse, Dannie [Daniel] (1923–2014) Quick reference
A Dictionary of Writers and their Works (3 ed.)
After Every Green Thing (1949) Poetry
Ash on a Young Man's Sleeve (1954) Fiction
Fire in Heaven...
Absorption Reference library
C. Bernstein
The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics (4 ed.)
A term for the process of a reader’s deep engagement with a poem, marked by a lack of self-consciousness about
Accent Reference library
C. O. Hartman
The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics (4 ed.)
In Eng., accent is the auditory prominence perceived in one syllable as compared with others in its vicinity. Accent and
Accentual-Syllabic Verse Reference library
C. O. Hartman
The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics (4 ed.)
In Eng. poetry that is not written in *free verse, the most common and traditional metrical system is
Accentual Verse Reference library
T.V.F. Brogan and C. O. Hartman
The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics (4 ed.)
Verse organized by count of stresses, not by count of *syllables. Many prosodists of the 18th, 19th, and
Acephalous Reference library
T.V.F. Brogan
The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics (4 ed.)
A term used for lines of verse that are missing an initial syllable (Ger. fehlende Auftakt, suppression of the
Achebe, Chinua (1930–2013) Reference library
James Booth
The Oxford Companion to Modern Poetry (2 ed.)
One of the foremost literary figures in Africa, Achebe was born in Ogidi, in rural Eastern Nigeria, where, alongside his
Achebe, Chinua (1930–2013) Quick reference
A Dictionary of Writers and their Works (3 ed.)
Things Fall Apart (1958) Fiction
No Longer at Ease (1960) Fiction
The Sacrificial Egg, and Other Stories...
Acker, Kathy (1948–1997) Quick reference
A Dictionary of Writers and their Works (3 ed.)
The Childlike Life of the Black Tarantula (1975) Fiction
The Adult Life of Toulouse Lautrec by Henri Toulouse Lautrec...
Ackerley, J. R. (1896–1967) Quick reference
A Dictionary of Writers and their Works (3 ed.)
The Prisoners of War (1925) Drama
Hindoo Holiday (1932) Non-Fiction
My Dog Tulip (1956) ...
Ackerman, Diane (1948–) Reference library
Emily Grosholz
The Oxford Companion to Modern Poetry (2 ed.)
Born in Illinois, and received her doctorate from Cornell University in 1978; she writes regularly for The New York Times
Ackland, Rodney (1908–1991) Quick reference
A Dictionary of Writers and their Works (3 ed.)
Dance With No Music (1930) Drama
Improper People (1930) Drama
Strange Orchestra (1932) Drama...
Ackroyd, Peter (1949– ) Quick reference
A Dictionary of Writers and their Works (3 ed.)
London Lickpenny (1973) Poetry
Notes for a New Culture (1976) Non-Fiction
Country Life (1978) ...