Nazi codename for the liquidation of Polish intellectuals and other leaders which took place during and after the Polish campaign. It has been estimated that about 3,500 were killed from September ...
ABC-1 Plan
The outcome of secret American–British–Canadian military discussions in Washington which took place from January to March 1941. The plan, which had already been recommended to Roosevelt as part of ...
ABCA agreement
The America-Britain-Canada-Australia Armies Standardisation Program was set up under an agreement signed in 1964. New Zealand joined with observer status in 1965 and became a full member in 2006, ...
ABDA Command
Covering Burma, Malaya, the Netherlands East Indies and the Philippines (with the north-western part of Australia included from 24 January), was established on 15 January 1942 to reconcile the ...
Aboriginal Traditional Warfare
Combined violence with ceremony and was a significant part of life for Aboriginal men and women. The four main types of traditional warfare were formal battles, ritual trials, raids for women and ...
Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders in the Armed Forces
Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders have participated in each war Australia has fought since the end of the nineteenth century. Aboriginal trackers were employed by the Australian contingent in ...
Abu Yusuf Ya ʿqub al- Mansur
(c. 1160–1199), Almohad caliph.Abu Yusuf Yaʿqub al-Mansur (“the Victorious”) became Almohad caliph in 1184 after his father’s death. His ambition to expand his Andalusian kingdom was thwarted by the ...
(Ger.: Abwehr, defence),the German intelligence and counter-intelligence service, 1920–45. The Abwehr served several political masters, being founded, against the spirit of the Versailles Treaty, in ...
Abyssinian War
1935–6.Conflict between Abyssinia and Italy. Mussolini used a border incident in December 1934 at Walwal as a pretext for pursuing his aim of imperial expansion in north Africa. The Italians invaded ...
academies, Service
OverviewU.S. Military AcademyU.S. Naval AcademyU.S. Air Force AcademyU.S. Coast Guard AcademyOverviewU.S. Military AcademyU.S. Naval AcademyU.S. Air Force AcademyU.S. Coast Guard AcademyThe primary ...
ACE reaction forces
NATO's Allied Commander Europe (ACE) has immediate reaction forces—the ACE Mobile Force (AMF)—and rapid reaction forces, of which the ACE Rapid Reaction Corps (ARRC) is the land component.The AMF ...
Act of Chapultepec
(1945)An Inter-American conference, held in Mexico City. The Act of Chapultepec (1945), adopted by 20 republics, resolved to undertake joint action in repelling any aggression against an American ...
Adelaide, HMAS
(Modified Chatham Class light cruiser). Laid down 1915, launched 1918; displacement 5560 tons; length 463 feet; beam 50 feet; 1922 armament 9 × 6-inch guns, 1 × 3-inch anti-aircraft gun ...
Was the 13 August 1940, the day Göring started operation ADLERANGRIFF (Eagle Attack), a two-week assault on RAF Fighter Command's aircraft, airfields, and installations as a preliminary to the ...
Admin Box battle
Fought in February 1944, the first major British success against the Japanese during the Burma campaign.On 4 February 1944 the 55th Japanese Division, commanded by Lt-General Hanaya Tadashi, launched ...
Administrative and Instructional Staff
(A & I Staff) was the cadre of permanent soldiers created just after Federation to train and administer the predominantly part-time citizen soldiers of the Commonwealth Military Forces (see Citizen ...
Admiral Harold R. Stark
(1880–1972),US naval officer who, as Chief of Naval Operations (CNO), held the highest post in the US Navy at the time the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor in December 1941. ...
Admiral Husband E. Kimmel
(1882–1968),C-in-C of the US Pacific Fleet which was attacked in Pearl Harbor by the Japanese on 7 December 1941. He was relieved of his command, found guilty of dereliction ...
Admiral Jean-Pierre Estéva
(1880–1951),Vichy French Resident-General of Tunisia. He made no attempt to resist the German occupation of the French colony in November 1942 at the start of the North African campaign ...