Schongauer, Martin (c.1450–1491) Reference library
Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages
Painter and engraver, born probably at Colmar between 1450 and 1453, died at Breisach in
Schongauer, Martin Reference library
The Oxford Dictionary of the Renaissance
German engraver and painter, born in Colmar (Alsace), the son of a goldsmith from Augsburg; except for a brief spell at the University of Leipzig in ...
Schongauer, Martin Reference library
The Oxford Dictionary of Art (3 ed.)
(b Colmar, Alsace, ?c.1440; d Breisach am Rhein, nr. Colmar, 2 Feb. 1491).
German engraver and painter, active in Colmar, the best-known member of a family of artists (his father ...
Schongauer, Martin (c. 1430–91) Reference library
The Oxford Companion to Western Art
(c. 1430–91).
German painter and engraver who worked in Colmar, where his greatest painting, Madonna in the Rose