Poverty Reference library
An Oxford Companion to the Romantic Age
The history of poverty cannot be written simply by establishing a measure or threshold of deprivation and looking for all
poverty Reference library
Judith Fingard
The Oxford Companion to Canadian History
Poverty and Conflict Reference library
The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Peace
There are two distinct ways of, or frameworks for, thinking about the relationship between poverty and conflict. One is whether
POVERTY Reference library
The Oxford Dictionary of the Jewish Religion (2 ed.)
Poverty Quick reference
A Concise Companion to the Jewish Religion
Jewish attitudes to poverty vary. Throughout Jewish history the poor are treated with respect, and alleviation of their sufferings is
poverty Reference library
The Oxford Companion to Chaucer
and its effects are not a central theme in Chaucer, but are the subject of some powerful passages concerned
Poverty Reference library
Oxford Companion to Australian Politics
The abolition of poverty has been a major goal of social policy. It underlies development of the welfare state
Poverty Reference library
The Oxford Companion to Australian History
has been a constant, but reluctantly acknowledged, feature of Australian society since 1788. Imperial statesmen conceived Australia as a
poverty, Jewish care for Reference library
The Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages
Medieval Judaism did not sanctify *poverty but sought to relieve its symptoms. The Cairo *Geniza documents present abundant information about
poverty and poor relief Reference library
The Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages
Early medieval sources used pauper in a biblical sense of persons unable to fend for themselves: orphans, widows, and the
Poverty Reference library
Encyclopedia of the Enlightenment
The problem of poverty was visible and endemic in eighteenth-century Europe. In the cities, rich and poor were not as
poverty Reference library
Dictionary of the Social Sciences
A condition of absolute or relative deprivation of material and cultural resources. The term absolute poverty refers to the condition
Poverty Reference library
The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History
The term “poverty law” refers to two distinct, but related, topics. First, poverty law is part of the welfare state
Poverty Reference library
Clifton C. Crais, Morten Jerven, Harry Anthony Patrinos, and Heather Marie Layton
The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World
[This entry includes three subentries, an overview and a discussion of poverty in Africa and in Latin America.]...
Poverty Reference library
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Latinos and Latinas in the United States
“Poverty” refers to a situation of scarcity or need for a family or person. Whether someone is cataloged as poor
Poverty Reference library
Valentine M. Moghadam and Rachel G. Fuchs
The Oxford Encyclopedia Women in World History
Poverty Reference library
Encyclopedia of African American History, 1619–1895: From the Colonial Period to the Age of Frederick Douglass
In the nineteenth century poverty was widely regarded as the result of moral failure. Those who were poor had become