abdominal muscles
Four pairs of muscles (the rectus abdominis, external oblique, internal oblique, and the transversus abdominis), often referred to as the stomach muscles, which support and protect the contents of ...
Abdominal wall reconstruction
Indications:• Trauma.• Tumour: Desmoid, Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans.• Radiation.• Infection: Gas gangrene, Necrotizing fasciitis.• Iatrogenic: Incisional hernia.• Congenital: Omphalocoele, ...
An aesthetic procedure which aims to provide a flatter, narrower abdomen by excising skin and fat excess and addressing rectus divarication, generally by using a lower transverse abdominal ...
Absorbable polymers
Synthetic:• Used for sutures and investigated for other devices such as plates and screws (LactoSorb).• One class of polymers used is the alphahydroxy acids including L-lactic acid, glycolic acid ...
Isotretinoin. The synthetic retinoid derivative 13-cis-retinoic acid (Accutane) used for severe Acne vulgaris. The dose is 1 mg/kg body weight for an initial 4–5-month course of therapy. It reduces ...
• Common papillomatous lesion occurring in middle adult life.• Multiple, fleshy, skin-coloured tags.• Occur mainly on neck, upper chest and axilla.• The only symptoms relate to local irritation.• ...
• One of the Congenital hand anomalies.• Fusion of digits distally.• Mainly sporadic, non-hereditary occurrence.• Associated with Constriction ring syndrome.• Bilateral in 50%, but asymmetric.• Also ...
actinic keratosis
Precancerous epidermal thickening and scaly lesions caused by exposure to solar radiation, occurring especially in fair-skinned people. The occurrence of these lesions is an indication for avoidance ...
Adipofascial flaps
A flap comprised of fascia and overlying fat. Essentially, the same as a fasciocutaneous flap with the skin dissected away from the flap.Anatomy:• Dermal and fascial plexuses exist ...
Adnexal tumours
• In adnexal tumours, the relationship between stromal and epithelial components is maintained though distorted to varying degrees.• They are classified by the degree and the direction of ...