Adolfo Pérez Esquivel
In 1980 Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, human rights activist and proponent of nonviolence, became both the second Argentinean and Latin American to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. Starting in the mid-1960s ...
Anti-Slavery International
Anti-Slavery International (often simply referred to as Anti-Slavery) justly claims to be the world's oldest continuous human rights organization. Founded in 1839, when many hopes of abolitionists ...
Armenians in the Ottoman Empire
The Armenians emerged as a distinct culture in the sixth century bce and inhabited an area that in the early twenty-first century included the Republic of Armenia, most of eastern ...
Art and Images
The European Court of Human Rights has declared that “those who create, perform, distribute or exhibit works of art contribute to the exchange of ideas and opinions which is essential ...
Article 19
Article 19 (spelled here as Article 19) is an international human rights organization that defends and promotes freedom of expression and freedom of information all over the world. It takes ...
Arvonne Fraser
Arvonne Fraser has been a pioneer in women's human rights and social justice who has challenged women, politicians, world leaders, and neighbors to view the events of the day in light of these ...
Aryeh Neier
Since 1993 Aryeh Neier has been president of the Open Society Institute (OSI) within the Soros Foundation Network, a private NGO with headquarters in New York City. OSI supports a ...
Bernard Kouchner
Bernard Kouchner is a distinguished if often controversial French political and humanitarian activist whose advocacy of the “right to intervene” in situations of great civilian suffering has been ...
Bertrand Ramcharan
For more than three decades, Bertrand G. Ramcharan has played an influential role in the development of protection mechanisms at the United Nations (UN). He previously served as deputy high ...
B' Tselem: The Israeli Information Centre for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories champions human rights and humanitarian law as the foundation for transforming the conflict between Israel and ...