ʿAbd al-Wahhab ibn ʿAli al- Subki
(a.h. 727/1327 c.e.–a.h. 771/1370 c.e.).Was born and studied in Cairo, moving with his father Taqi al-Din to Damascus in 739/1339. With his father's permission he acted as a qadi ...
Abrogation of Legal Norms (Naskh)
Abrogation, in Arabic naskh or al-nāsikh wa al-mansūkh, “the abrogating and the abrogated,” is a term for theories dealing with apparent conflict between different elements of revelation in Islam.The ...
Abu al-Khattab Mahfuz ibn Ahmad al- Kalwadhani
(a.h. 432 510 c.e.–a.h. 1050/1116 c.e.). Mahfuz ibn Ahmad al-Kalwadhani Abu al-Khattab was one of the renowned scholars of eleventh-century Baghdad, who played major roles in crystallizing the school ...
Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn ʿAli ibn Ismaʿil al-Shashi Qaffal
(a.h. 291/904 c.e.–365/976 c.e.).A leading early Shafiʿi jurist credited with spreading the Shafiʿi school in Transoxania displacing the previously prevalent Hanbali school, al-Qaffal was born in ...
Abu Hamid Muhammad Ghazali
(a.h. 450/1058 c.e.–a.h. 505/1111 c.e.).Abu Hamid Muhammad al-Ghazali, celebrated Muslim scholar, held a prestigious professorship in Shafiʿi law in the colleges of Baghdad and Nishapur (Persia). He ...
Abu Ibrahim Ismaʿil ibn Yahya al- Muzani
(a.h. 175/791 c.e.–a.h. 264/878 c.e.).Jurist and prominent student of Muhammad ibn Idris al-Shafiʿi, founder of the Shafiʿi school of law. Al-Muzani became one of al-Shafiʿi's three principal ...
Abu Ishaq Ibrahim ibn ʿAli Shirazi
(a.h. 393/1003 c.e.–a.h. 476/1083 c.e.).A leading scholar of the Iraqi branch of the Shafiʿi school of law, al-Shirazi was born in Firuzabad in what is today southern Iran. He ...
Abu Yaʿla, Muhammad ibn al-Husayn ibn al-Farraʾ al-Baghdadi
(d. a.h. 458/1066 c.e.). Muhammad ibn al-Husayn ibn al-Farraʾ al-Baghdadi Abu Yaʿla was a famous eleventh-century Hanbali scholar with a long and brilliant academic career in Baghdad. For about three ...
The formal teaching of law in the United States has passed from individual attorneys acting as masters to their apprentices, through part-time attorneys acting as schoolmasters, to full-time ...
Accessory and Principal in Chinese Law
The penal liability for offenses committed by two or more persons was graduated in classical Chinese law by the degree of contribution to the formation of criminal intent. One person ...