Abigail's Party
A: Mike Leigh Pf: 1977, London Pb: 1979 G: Com. in 2 acts S: Laurence and Beverly's suburban home, 1970s C: 2m, 3fLaurence is an estate agent, driven to work hard to fulfil the social aspirations of ...
Absurd Person Singular
A: Alan Ayckbourn Pf: 1972, Scarborough Pb: 1974 G: Com. in 3 acts S: Three kitchens in neighbouring houses in an English town, 1970s C: 3m, 3fHouse-proud Jane Hopcroft is cleaning her neat modern ...
Accidental Death of an Anarchist
A: Dario Fo Pf: 1970, Milan Pb: 1970; rev. 1974 Tr: 1980 G: Satire in 2 acts; Italian prose S: Police headquarters, Milan, Jan. 1970 C: 5m, 1fInspector Bertozzo of the Milan police is interviewing ...
A: Aristophanes Pf: 425 bc, Athens Tr: 1816 G: Greek com. in verse S: Athenian Assembly, the farm of Dicaeopolis, and home of Lamachus, 5th c. bc C: 18m, 3f, extras, chorus (m)The Peloponnesian War ...
Admirable Crichton
AT: Circumstances Alter Cases A: J. M. Barrie Pf: 1902, London Pb: 1914 G: Com. in 4 acts S: Lord Loam's manor house and a desert island, early 20th c. C: 7m, 6fIn order to appear progressive, the ...
After Haggerty
A: David Mercer Pf: 1970, London Pb: 1970 G: Pol. com. in 2 acts S: London, Budapest, Moscow, Havana, Prague, Chicago, New York, Long Island, and Yorkshire, 1956–70 C: 9m, 5fBernard Link, an ...
A: Sophocles Pf: c.441 bc, Athens Tr: 1714 G: Greek trag. in verse S: Before Ajax's tent and the seashore near Troy, during the Trojan War C: 6m, 2f, extras, chorus (m)When Achilles is killed in the ...
A comedy by Jonson, performed by the King's Men 1610, printed 1612, by many considered the greatest of his plays.Lovewit, during an epidemic of the plague, leaves his house in Blackfriars in London ...
A: Bill Naughton Pf: 1963, London Pb: 1963 G: Drama in 3 acts S: London, 1960s C: 9m, 9fAlfie is a carefree, chirpy Cockney, whose main aim in life is to seduce as many women as he can, treating the ...
All for Love
AT: The World Well Lost A: John Dryden Pf: 1677, London Pb: 1678 G: Trag. in 5 acts; blank verse S: Alexandria, Egypt, 30 bc C: 6m, 4f, extrasCleopatra's treacherous flight from battle has cost ...