ʿAbbāsid Caliphate Reference library
The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World
The rise of the ʿAbbāsid caliphate was the first fissure in Islamic culture; it would eventually result in the Shīʿī
Abdülhamid II Reference library
The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World
Abdülhamid II (1842–1918) was the thirty-fourth Ottoman sultan (r. 1876–1909). A profound political and economic crisis
Ablutions Reference library
The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World
A practice that consists of washing, which introduces the Muslim into the state of ritual purity (ṭuhr) and
Abolition Reference library
Sandra Jean Graham
The Grove Dictionary of American Music (2 ed.)
From the mid-1830s through the Civil War, abolitionists systematically deployed songs as spiritual weaponry in the fight to eradicate slavery
Abraham Reference library
The Oxford Companion to World Mythology
Abraham or Avraham (at first Abram, or Ibrahim in Arabic) is a central figure in Hebrew mythology as developed in
Abramovich, Pinchas (1909) Reference library
Benezit Dictionary of Asian Artists
This artist studied at the academy in Kovno (now Kaunas, Lithuania) in 1925; he emigrated to Palestine in 1929 and
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome in Africa: An Interpretation Reference library
Encyclopedia of Africa
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a fatal disease caused by the slow-acting human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
Adam and Eve Reference library
The Oxford Companion to World Mythology
A central story in Hebrew mythology contained in the first chapter of the biblical book of Genesis, sacred to
Adler, Larry (10 Feb 1914) Reference library
Ivor Beynon and Ryan Raul Bañagale
The Grove Dictionary of American Music (2 ed.)
He was acknowledged as the first harmonica player to achieve recognition and acceptance in classical musical circles and to have
Advertising Reference library
Michael Krondl
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Food and Drink in America (2 ed.)
When President Calvin Coolidge addressed a national advertising conference in 1926, he was pleased to report on the happy
Advertising Cookbooklets and Recipes Reference library
Andrew F. Smith
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Food and Drink in America (2 ed.)
Since the mid-nineteenth century, recipes have been used to sell products. At first, recipes were incidental to the products advertised.
Aesop Reference library
The Oxford Companion to World Mythology
Aesop was the legendary sixth- century
Afghanistan Reference library
The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World
In the nineteenth century Afghanistan emerged as a buffer state between the contending British Indian and tsarist Russian colonial empires.
Africa Quick reference
A Dictionary of World Mythology
Sahara, The West Coast, East and South Africa, Madagascar
Mythologies abound in Africa. Tribes possess their own traditions, and even
African American Food Reference library
Howard Paige, Mark H. Zanger, and Michael W. Twitty
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Food and Drink in America (2 ed.)
African American music Reference library
Guthrie P. Ramsey Jr.
The Grove Dictionary of American Music (2 ed.)
A term applied to distinct configurations of sound organization linked historically and socially to people of African descent living within
African Oral Literature Reference library
Encyclopedia of Africa
Artistic forms of expression are deeply ingrained in the black cultural experience and in the lives of African peoples, providing