Aaron, Hank (b. 5 February 1934) Reference library
Encyclopedia of African American History 1896 to the Present
(b. 5 February 1934),
baseball player, baseball executive, civil rights advocate, and businessman. Henry
ʿAbbas Hilmi II (1874) Reference library
israel gershoni
Dictionary of African Biography
ʿAbdel-Kader (1808) Reference library
zahia smail salhi
Dictionary of African Biography
ʿAbduh, Muhammad (1849) Reference library
geoffrey roper
Dictionary of African Biography
Abiola, Moshood Kashimawo Olawale (1937) Reference library
cajetan n. iheka
Dictionary of African Biography
Abolitionism Reference library
The Oxford Encyclopedia of African Thought
Abolitionism is the principle of outlawing the slave trade and the institution of slavery. In the eighteenth century, the intellectual
Abolitionism Reference library
Encyclopedia of African American History, 1619–1895: From the Colonial Period to the Age of Frederick Douglass
[This entry contains three subentries dealing with abolitionism from the late seventeenth century through the ratification of the Thirteenth
Abu-Jamal, Mumia (b. 24 April 1954) Reference library
Encyclopedia of African American History 1896 to the Present
(b. 24 April 1954),
radical prison journalist and author. Mumia Abu-Jamal was born Wesley Cook in Philadelphia,
Abyssinian Baptist Church Reference library
Encyclopedia of African American History 1896 to the Present
The African American members of the First Baptist Church in New York City withdrew their membership in 1808 when they
Achebe, Chinua (1930) Reference library
mpalive-hangson msiska
Dictionary of African Biography
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome in Africa: An Interpretation Reference library
Encyclopedia of Africa
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a fatal disease caused by the slow-acting human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
Actors and Actresses Reference library
Encyclopedia of African American History 1896 to the Present
The first image of an African American in film occurred in 1903 with the silent movie Uncle Tom's Cabin.
Adams, John, On African Americans Reference library
Encyclopedia of African American History, 1619–1895: From the Colonial Period to the Age of Frederick Douglass
John Adams was born in Massachusetts in 1735 and grew up in relatively humble circumstances. After graduating from Harvard, he
Adinkra Reference library
The Oxford Encyclopedia of African Thought
Adinkra are visual forms that first achieved prominence among the Akan linguistic group whose members are now part of Ghana
Aethelred I Quick reference
The Kings and Queens of Britain (2 ed.)
Affirmative Action Reference library
Black Women in America (2 ed.)
The concept of affirmative action in America has been explored by sociologists, philosophers, legal scholars, journalists, and politicians. Although less
Afikpo Reference library
The Oxford Encyclopedia of African Thought
The Afikpo are a small subgroup of the Igbo, the largest ethnic group in southeastern Nigeria. The Afikpo account for
Africa, Idea of Reference library
Encyclopedia of African American History, 1619–1895: From the Colonial Period to the Age of Frederick Douglass
The idea of Africa changed dramatically from antiquity to the era of European exploration and colonization; European and African views
African Americans and the West Reference library
Encyclopedia of African American History, 1619–1895: From the Colonial Period to the Age of Frederick Douglass
The black businessmen William Alexander Leidesdorff and Andres Pico were both born in 1810 with something the abolitionist Frederick Douglass