(Ἄννα) or Hanna, feminine personal name of Hebrew origin (etym. “veneration”).A similar name appeared in Greek and Roman mythology (G. Wissowa, RE 1 [1894] 2223–25; M. Nilsson, Geschichte der ...
The announcement of the Incarnation, made by Gabriel to Mary; the Feast of the Annunciation is celebrated on 25 March, otherwise called Lady Day. In art, representations often show Mary sitting with ...
The reception of the Virgin Mary bodily into heaven, formally declared a doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church in 1950. The Feast of the Assumption is celebrated in the Roman Catholic Church on 15 ...
Village in Upper Egypt, site of the monastery of Apa Apollo, probably founded in the late 4th C. The two churches (north and south) are both of basilican plan and ...
Birth of the Virgin
(γέννησις τη̑ς Θεοτόκου), one of the five Marian Great Feasts, celebrated 8 Sept. with both a forefeast and a four-day afterfeast. The feast originated in Jerusalem with the dedication of ...
books of hours
*Prayer books for the laity that were popular from c.1250 to c.1550. They contain as their core the sequence of devotions called the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary ...
Christos Paschon
(Ξριστός πάσχων), anonymous drama presenting the story of Christ's crucifixion and resurrection. Although the personae dramatis are derived from the Gospels (Virgin Mary, John, Joseph of Arimatheia, ...
Dominican liturgy and chant
The liturgy of the Dominican order is a late medieval Roman rite that evolved from an initial period of diversity toward standardization. It culminated in the revisions of Humbertus de ...
George of Nikomedeia
Metropolitan of Nikomedeia (from ca.860); deacon and chartophylax of Hagia Sophia, preacher, author of various encomiastic works, esp. some devoted to the Virgin Mary. The typikon of the Euergetis ...
(Μαρία), Mary (in the New Testament also Mariam), feminine personal name derived from Hebrew.Frequently used in the New Testament (Virgin Mary, Mary Magdalene, and some others), it means “she ...
The study of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Christianity. In Vatican II,The Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, ch. 8, offers a summary of the basic constituents of Mariology.
Prague Castle
Begun c.885 as a Slavic fortress with wood and earthen walls and mostly wooden buildings, it became the centre of the Bohemian state and ducal/royal seat. The earliest stone structures ...
A piece of furniture for use during prayer, consisting of a kneeling surface and a narrow upright front with a rest for the elbows or for books. Recorded from the mid 18th century, the phrase is ...
(Σοφία) was a complex term in patristic vocabulary.As human wisdom it had ambivalent meaning—sometimes connoting a virtue, sometimes sophisticated eloquence devoid of ethical or spiritual content, ...
Staro Nagoričino
Situated not far from Kumanovo, site of a monastery of St. George built by King Stefan Uroš II Milutin in 1313, according to an inscription on the lintel over the ...
year, liturgical
In the W. Church the Christian year is based on the week and on the festivals of Easter and Christmas. It begins with the first Sunday in Advent. Sundays have traditionally been numbered through ...